1. Printmaking Program’s Vision

The purpose of higher education in Printmaking as per the needs of the stakeholders is to enable the students to identify the personal, social and workplace problems and find the best possible solution.

2. Printmaking Program’s Mission (B.F.A & M.F.A):

The purpose of the Department in BFA and MFA higher education programs in Printmaking is to enable them for their skills. Through the study and observation of various mediums of this program such as: Relief process, Intaglio process, and Planography process, students acquire various skills as learning outcomes.

After B.F.A some students are capable to join their expected workplaces as a designer or other purposes in different advertising firm, office, bank, Ngo, TV channel etc. Some are trying to become lifelong learner as a freelance Artist for further experimentation of that or those particular medium. Due to the respect of finishing M.F.A, Students have earn more quality to not only the experiment with the language of Printmaking but also relatively they can join as designer and so on. University focus on preparing graduates with positive mindset, skills and competence, which would help them to find a good fit into the social system as a employer, as a artist, as a businessmen.

Two type of purposes of effectiveness of the academic programs:

(a) One is for the employment purpose

(b) Another is creating free-lance artist (lifelong learner) purpose.